Okay, so this "Podcast Week" is a week like Gut Check Literacy Month was a month. But anyway, here I am, highlighting my third (and final) podcast. This one is called Clinch: A Podcast of Fiction and Not-Fiction."
Every week, I talk about an aspect of writing or publishing, through the lens of my "writing journey" (ugh, I hate that phrase), including sort of a raw autopsy of my brief stint with the biggest of big publishers. Then, the second half of the ep is me reading a chapter from Clinch, a YA novel about a couple high school kids in a small town, one of whom is convinced God has called her to be a masked superhero. People seem to like it. You should check it out.
Name: Clinch: A Podcast of Fiction and Not-Fiction
Feed Location: www.zacharybartels.com/podcasts/clinch/clinchfeed.rss
Website: www.clinchpodcast.com
Updated: Every Wednesday