Monday, May 11, 2015

Join the Team!

Last week, I told you about my forthcoming novel, The Last Con. If you liked Playing Saint, you’ll love this one. If you hated Playing Saint . . . I have to wonder why you’re reading this blog. That’s just weird, man.

Anyway, last week, I also teased my short story Microbes to entice you into sign up for my mailing list. And I promised that I wouldn’t e-mail you more than, like, once every two or three months. That’s still the case and you can sign up by clicking here or going to my website,

But if you want to join my Street Team, you'll want to send me an e-mail at, letting me know that you're willing to help spread the word about the book when it comes out (via facebook, twitter, goodreads, good old fashioned word-of-mouth, etc.).

Over the past four months, a number of people have e-mailed me, telling me they'd be happy to help promote my books however they can. And I've said, “Wow, that's nice of you. Thanks.” But according to the publicist at HarperCollins, I should have been saying, “Well, then join my street team.”Also, I should have a "street team."

(Aside: I kind of hate the term “street team” because it makes me think of Breakway Magazine in the early ’90s with some “radical” neon design on the cover... but apparently, it's an industry standard term, so why mess with it?)

So, what’s in it for you if you sign on? First, you’ll feel a distinctive warm sensation in the cockles of your heart, as you help out a young author with the release of his sophomore book. Also, you’ll get some exclusive content in your inbox from time to time (starting with the first couple chapters of The Last Con and the sample Chapter I wrote for the as-of-yet untitled Playing Saint sequel). But wait—there’s more! Ginsui knives! I’m giving away ginsu knives!

No, I’m not.

But I do have in my possession two Advanced Reader Copies of The Last Con (which comes out July 7) that I am planning to give away in a couple weeks. And they’ll be going members of the Street Team. Click here to e-mail me about joining the street team (clearly I can’t stop saying "street team," despite hating the term, and can't decide if “street team” should be capitalized or not), or just do whatever you do to compose an e-mail and address it to

Also, it’s my birthday today. And all I want for my birthday is your unswerving dedication to promoting my books. Or, ya know, some K-cups and a Monte Cristo.

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